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Walkthrough change

We can do that, although yes, it would be a great deal of work. ZeldaGuardian writes the walkthroughs and I convert them into PDF files with Acrobat. I could probably throw each walkthrough into word and add a few images, however that would also increase the size of the pdf mind you. ;). At this time, I would say no, only as it would be far more work and cuase very slow downloads. We try to make everything as easy to understand as possible, but we understand that sometimes photos help.

On the plus side, we do have a section ful of final battle movies *moving pictures too ;)* which are availiable for download. Each of these movies comes with a page for you to open in your browser with the guide and film on the same page.
No, I don't think that should be so, as then it would have to much space and hard to load.