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Was it ever explained?


Co-Webmaster, Co-Conspirator
At the beginning of Majora's Mask, right after you are cursed and join up with Tatyl, you are in the big cave-like room with tree stumps to glide on. When you get to the other side, Tatyl comments on how sad a mangled tree stump looks. Was this ever expanded on during the game?

I'd be able to answer it myself, but I seem to have missed it, at least on the parts tha i've played...
Well, this includes slight SPOILERS!!!!

At the end if you got all the masks (I think you need all of them), the butler from the Deku Palace will be there. Earlier in the game he mentions that you Deku form reminds him of his son, so it is implied that that was his son, and his son's soul was used to curse you into your Deku form. At least that's how I understood it.