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    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

We've... DONE IT


The Webmaster
Yup, sure have. Want proof...why not visit http://www.zeldasages.com :D.

It's been two long years, lots of pain and....more pain, but it's here. You can read the news article posted on the main page for all my thanks, joys, etc *I don't feel like writing it all again...I need a vacation*. I'd like to encourage everyone to explore the site for themselves and see just what you can find. You'll also find that yes, like I said, be happy you are a member.

Obviously, not many people will be rolling in very quickly. I'm currently working on affiliation with a few other web sites to get our name out there. In the mean time, do enjoy everyone :). As always, please use the site suggestions area to put in your opinion.
Congratulations!! ZeldaSages is finally open. Finally, our work can be shown all over the world, no?? Also, I'm proud to show my work that I have toiled and painfully worked on. Soon, the Encyclopedia will be shown... :)