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What Do you think about the New Nintendo DSI?


I think that the nintendo dsi is going to be way better then the lite, anyways i am getting it soon.

If someone already purchased it. Tell us what you think about it.
I know someone who bought it. Stupidest thing ever. You lose the ability to play GBA games, which I for one enjoyed immensely. Also, the camera system is very inaccurate. If the light isn't perfect, it fails to recognize the presence of a face. He took a picture of me and my brother, and if you know us, we look nothing alike. The comparison feature said we were related! Preposterous. I say the Lite is much better for cheaper.
i played on my cousins, its a peice of crap. it cant play gba games and the internet sucks... the picture taking ability is completely worthless. why do u need to take pictures with a gaming device?!?
The only let downs are that I can't play my Pokemon GBA Games on it and my Zelda GBA Games on it... And the internet sucks eggs... The picture taking is crap...