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What new weapons would you like to see


What new weapons would you all like to se in the new Twilight Princess game? By now Nintendo probably has it pretty solid on what they are doing, although we can still hope :p.

I would really like to see some sort of evolution from the goddess spells from OoT. Din's Fire was my persdonal favorite, maybe a version that lets Link shoot fireballs almost like the Fire Rod from ALttP. So, what would all you like to see?
They are making a Gust Boomerang that may take the place in everyone's hearts as a favorite weapon. Not being able to ever get a GC however...I can't not say anything but remote bombs. Remote Bombs people! BAM!
Haha, I loved the remote bombs too! It would be great if Nintendo decided to throw those into the game.
O baby! Gotta love the Gust Jar as well! I love sucking thinngs up into it lol. It would be awesome to be able to shoot leaves as enemies lol.