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Whats the Deal?

I have been meaning to change the poll, this one being almost a month old, although I really can not think up another great idea. Maybe it's time to shift the poll more towards the overall set of Nintendo and the industry, rather than just something that could be remotely Zelda related.
Zelda or just in general, Character Wars. Come up with a bunch of game/zelda characters, and place them in a huge tournament. Have 4 vs 4 matches, and each day/week, change the poll to the next.
Actually, according to the wonderful little statistics program that comes with VB, in the last week members have made 67 posts and 8 threads *if you are referring to threads, I do see a point*

In the realm of a forum community, I really leave the activity in your hands. The point of a community forum is for a community of members to participate and exchange ideas. As stated, we are working on new features and products for Zelda Sages, although they are still in development. Good things take time. In addition, I have posted a little idea for staff discussion in the staff area *which no staff member has yet to respond to, so I'll be sending a message their way today* which could improve the community aspect of Zelda Sages.

It's nice to see we have concerned members though, concerned members = people that love ZS and do not wish to see any poor luck come our way ;).
I would try to post something, but the majority of things I've posted in the last...well "while" have just died off after a couple of posts, or there is only one other person who actually responds to my posts, making it a two-way conversation, while for others, it is just an annoyance to clear out of their "New Posts"...
Actually, according to the wonderful little statistics program that comes with VB, in the last week members have made 67 posts and 8 threads *if you are referring to threads, I do see a point*
I was referring to the posts, it really seems like a helluva lot less.
I would try to post something, but the majority of things I've posted in the last...well "while" have just died off after a couple of posts, or there is only one other person who actually responds to my posts, making it a two-way conversation, while for others, it is just an annoyance to clear out of their "New Posts"...
Yeah, like all the crap about Naruto and baseball. I can't find an interesting thread around here anymore.