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Question Why can't I download The Legend of Zelda Sages

Hmm, that's odd. Try restarting your browser and then try downloading it on this page. If that still doesn't work, I can PM you the direct file link :).

Also, according to the user agent I have on file for you, you're using Firefox 3.0. This is an outdated version of Firefox. I would recommend updating to 3.5.5 (the latest stable version).
Still can't download it I restarted browser and tried but I can't change my firefox version and it don't work in internet explorer either.
I just tried downloading it, and it worked fine for me. It might be the fact your Firefox version is really out of date. I tried it in Opera 9.5 and Forefox 3.5 and it works OK.
I was able to resolve the problem, so I'm going to close the thread. What it basically came down to was the browser version (so says the error log file). It is a comptability bug which should be addressed, however we're going to launch a completely new Zelda Sages sometime in the next month and a half or so. Basically, it would be almost pointless to address.