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Why Can't I Post?

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The Webmaster
Can't post, can't message? Here's why:

There are only three things which will cause you to be unable to post and/or send messages.
  1. You just registered and/or changed your email address. When you first register, or change your email address, you are sent an email with a link to authenticate your account. It is important that we have a valid Email address on file both to prevent spam and as a matter of practicality (if you lose your password for example).
  2. You do not have permission to post in a specific area. Some areas, such as the announcements board, are set so that only certain individuals can post in them. If you think you should be able to post in a specific area but you are unable to, it is possible that your posing rights in that particular area have been revoked as a result of consistent rule-breaking. Contact an administrator for verification.
  3. You were banned. If you were banned, you would not be able to read this post, so that's likely not your case.
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