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Why, in EVERY single game I play...


Hope Never Dies
Must there be an irritating sequence in a game, where you must sneak past guards?! From LoZ: WW, to LoZ: OoT, to Harry Potter: SS, and now to FF XII (Whatever that stands for xD)...

Can anyone help me get past the guards in the palace in FF XII? I got to the Lion Signet, and now while searching for the lit area, I keep accidentally trapping myself and getting caught...Also, brownie points to whoever gets the FF XII joke that isn't named Slyguy46. :)
Can anyone help me get past the guards in the palace in FF XII? I got to the Lion Signet, and now while searching for the lit area, I keep accidentally trapping myself and getting caught...Also, brownie points to whoever gets the FF XII joke that isn't named Slyguy46. :)
... you know, because of that, I'm not gonna help you through it.
... you know, because of that, I'm not gonna help you through it.
It's because you already definately know it...also, I beat that part, and am now in this passage after escaping from the Nalbina Dungeon :p

And now I need help again. I get relatively far in the passage, when I get to the flan. I kill them, and then kill the batteries. I proceed to the next area, where there are a lot of stairs, and one mimic is right there, while the other is in a passage. By now, Brasch is dead, and I try to save the phoenix downs. I kill the one and the flan, and then I go to the other, which is surrounded by skeletons which keep regenerating. I keep dying in this spot, and having to do the entire passage all over again...Can anyone help me...NOT die? ...please?