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Why PCs sort of annoy me

i prefer using my mouse and keyboard for games like halo...it just feels more natural.
On the PS2...I can't do that. But hey controllers aren't that bad.
For FPS's I personally like the controls of a console such as the PS2, but for other certain forms of games, I like the PC for.
Some console FPSs, like Killzone, have terrible controls compared to PCs.
I'd definitely say that the PC controls do tend to be better than consoles.

Except for RPGs. PC RPGs tend to have really convoluted controls...then its just annoying.
I just hate using the keyboard to aim, and the mouse makes it too easy. I prefer using the analog sticks to aim...maybe it's just because I'm used to using them...
As I said, it depends on how the certain type of control is being used, in some ways it's easier to use one thing, and in other ways it is harder