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Wii Channel Ideas


Sage in Training
Well, there has been talk about new channels coming out for the Wii so i was wondering what ideas you guys have?

The only ones i can think of now is a music channel where u can play with music, for example one cool feature would be the ability to play music backwards :D. My other one is a VC channel where you can hold all ur VC games...

Thats all i got for now... what do u guys think?
Good Idea, but they still need to make a wiiboard so it could be really active, because it's easier to type with... hmm... How about a biography channel, where you can find the stories of famous videogame peoples... Or a TV channel with G4TV!
Those are some interesting ideas... next year nintendo will be releasing a dvd attachment to the wii so maybe there will be a whole new channel for it...
Actually, the Wii has the disc drive to read DVDs, it's simply the functionality is not programed in. An update to the disc channel could probably solve the issue. I'm not a techy, but as far as I know there is no difference between the Wii disc laser and spin speed with a good DVD players.

Maybe an AIM channel would be nice :D.
Some sort of music channel would be good... perhaps tied into the internet channel and the message system for sharing.
Actually, the Wii has the disc drive to read DVDs, it's simply the functionality is not programed in. An update to the disc channel could probably solve the issue. I'm not a techy, but as far as I know there is no difference between the Wii disc laser and spin speed with a good DVD players.

Maybe an AIM channel would be nice :D.
i lLIKe tHe iDEa oF sOme inSTaNt mEssAgInG cHaNneL bUt uNleSS tHey cOMe OuT WiTH sOme fOrM oF eAsIer tYpIng, iT WoUlD bE PoiNtLeSS
I think that is hilarious that they are making a Wii Stock Channel ... is that just me?