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Wii U


Deus Ex Machina
So it came out today. And I was kinda surprised to hear that people were lining up for it.

Did anyone buy one yet? I was toying with the idea of selling my 360 and buying one sometime after Christmas, but decided I'm going to wait for some more games to come out, possibly even wait for a price drop. I love Nintendo and their games, but I just can't justify a new console at this price when there aren't too many games out for it. How bout you guys?
I'm in the same boat. It looks neat, and I am infinitely excited that Nintendo has flat out told developers not to make gimmicky nonsense / if they can't do it with the Gamepad without being gimmicky to just use the pro controller setup. With that said, no cash on hand and not a single game I feel would justify me spending $300+. Maybe a few months into 2013 depending on what's out.

Not surprised at the lines though. Despite what a lot of the gaming media says, Nintendo is still a giant not to taken on lightly.
I'm kinda wondering if it's that Nintendo is still a giant, or if its a new system. But, yeah, I want to maybe wait until a Metroid, Zelda, Mario (other than NSMB), Star Fox, or F-Zero comes out. Yeah, there's Pikmin 3, but I never played the first two, Nintendoland looks kinda boring (I was suckered into the Wii series, not again), and other than that its third party games that have been out on other systems and that I don't have any interest in anyway. I'll see, though.
I'm getting the WiiU for Christmas, which works out for me anyway because I'm honestly more interested in the media features at this point. What I really want to see is REAL content coming to the WiiU, not just Zelda and Mario but some good, same day, big name games like GTA V. Whether or not this will happen, who knows.

I am optimistic though. It looks like Nintendo is still struggling a bit with online, but at least they FINALY got rid of the friend code system and went towards a username system like everyone with enough comment sense to realize that's what te public wants.
So, Linkman, how's the Wii U treating you? I'd love to read an overview on it from your perspective, if you have to time to write one.

I've still personally been going back and forth on the idea of getting one. I currently have an Xbox 360 that I hardly play, and with the announcement of VC coming back (with major enhancements), I'm sorta thinking of selling the 360 for a Wii U. But I haven't fully committed yet, nor will I for awhile.
I got the Wii U for Christmas, so here's my thoughts on it right now:
  • Nintendo is dying for more exclusives to be released. Just having the few that are currently out is killing them, for reasons such as "If I already have Mass Effect 2 and 3 for my PC, what's the point to buying Mass Effect 3 for the Wii U?
  • Scribblenauts Unlimited, the new Rayman game, and Nintendoland are phenomenal. Absolutely wonderful.
  • The utility of the Wii U is undeniably fantastic. One of the writers of the popular site Penny Arcade writes about the Wii U being his favorite console to play Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on since it allows him to play on the GamePad while his family watches the TV.
  • Also, Nintendo admitted to going too far to make Brawl casual (i.e. tripping =/= casual; tripping = horrible game design), so I'm absolutely pumped for the new Super Smash Brothers which was announced, and will be on both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, which will be coming out eventually.
So right now the system has utility and a few strong games, where Nintendoland currently stands near the top as one of the most fun games for both an individual or a group of people. If the current games don't please you, then don't pick it up unless games are going to be coming out that you're interested in. Otherwise, it's a good system.
I think I'm going to wait for a price drop, but so far Nintendo's future promises seem interesting, to say the least. I love that they're (finally) releasing major add-ons to games, such as New Luigi U. I can see that being amazing for the new Smash Bros and Zelda. And if they fully commit to more functionality, it could be a good settop box, too. The things they've done with Google Street View are pretty neat looking. But I wouldn't buy it to be a settop box, so I think I'm going to hold out till there's more games and possibly a price drop. And definitely more VC titles.