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Wiimote question


Co-Webmaster, Co-Conspirator
is it alright to use rechargeable batteries with it?

i was wondering because i remember the gba says ur not suposed to as do other nintendo products opperated by batteries.
Wait, I'm not supposed to use what? Oops... Nothing exploded yet, so what happens if I do?
If you do, I'm sure that it won't explode in ur face, but it might ruin the controller.......I wouldn't try to find that out.....Wiimotes are $39.99, so unless you have the money for experimenaion, I would make sure that you don't put any battery in it that might possibly mess i up. I wouldn't kno...U all know the reason why:p
Well, my GBA went into the electronic equivlent of a seizure, (when power is turned on, it rapidly switches between being on and off at around 4 Hz) but I blame that on other things too horrible to mention. On the other hand, Nintendo decided to include batteries with the Wiimote. The only problem is their short life. Be prepared to change the first set of batteries within a few months.
Within a few months!?!? I changed my batteries 4 days ago...lol

I haven't tried using rechargable batteries with anything except for my dig. camera but since the wii remote eats up batteries i will consider using some if the wii remote doesn't explode.

lol a funny story about my incredible GBA... I left it in the rain for 2 days and it still works :D
This is the last time I will say it.

Nintendo stuff is nearly invincible.

I have heard/read stories of Gameboy Colors being dropped in cans of oil for a week, Gamecubes falling out of a vehicle on a gravel road at 45 mph, and SNESs being thrown out a 3rd story building. These stories all have something in common. What is it? The stuff still worked! Nintendo equipment is just as vulnerable to internal failure as anyting else, but when it comes to blunt force trauma and hydration, they're bulletproof. (Not literally. I will refuse to replace your Wii if you shoot it.) And on the month thing, I really didn't expect enybody else's batteries to die as soon as mine. I've played over 25 hours and left the controlled on sleep over Thanksgiving weekend.
Yeah, Nintedo builds really durable stuff, like in the episode of X-Play when they hit it with a jackhammer, dropped it from 20 ft up and Hit it across the room like a hockey puck. The PS2 Died first, then the X-Box, and even after the Jackhammer, the Gamecube Worked.
Yeah..........that was a good episode...............I don't remember the jackhammer, but i remember a sledge hammer, and a 50ft drop. My GBA has been put through a lot, but has still pulled through...........but I don't use it that much anymore, because I have my DS.....

How do you use the Wiimote to change tools in TC: SO? I want to know so that when I get it, I won't be searching my Wiimote for how to change weapons, while at the same time, not paying attention to the kriyaki creating lacerations and killing the guy.........then that would confirm my stupidity of all things technological and Nintendo...........that would make me feel bad........

Sorry about the big pic, but it is needed.
Ok, the most used buttons are the A in the middle of the top, and the B which is the trigger underneath. Below the A button are the -, then home, then + buttons. Home brings you to a menu to which you can return to the Wii main screen anytime (quits w/out saving in disc channel). + and - are varied, from zooming to pausing. In TP + brings up the standard quest menu, and changes stuff like tunic, sword, and shield. - brings up the equipment menu to select things for the d-pad, where items like bow, bombs, and iron boots are used. The top slot on the d-pad is reserved for Midna. 1 and 2 are just map-related. The nunchuck just has the c-button for viewing in first person, joystick for movement, and the z-button for, well, z targeting.
I was looking at this thread, and saw the whole nintendo stuff is nearly invincible. If you really don't believe it, go to Nintendo World (I think it was called) in NYC. It has one of those OLD OLD OLD gameboys (the gray blocks) that was in the first Gulf War. IT SURVIVED BOMBINGS, GUNSHOTS, AND LOADS OF OTHER STUFF, AND STILL WORKS! They have it plugged up, and it plays a demo of Tetris! Talk about built to last!:D
I was looking at this thread, and saw the whole nintendo stuff is nearly invincible. If you really don't believe it, go to Nintendo World (I think it was called) in NYC. It has one of those OLD OLD OLD gameboys (the gray blocks) that was in the first Gulf War. IT SURVIVED BOMBINGS, GUNSHOTS, AND LOADS OF OTHER STUFF, AND STILL WORKS! They have it plugged up, and it plays a demo of Tetris! Talk about built to last!:D
Holy! If Nintendo ever wants to expand, they should create armor for the Military, as it would make you invincible (like Iron Man (NOT SUPERMAN))
Yhea, Superman just has a thin invincibility layer above his skin that can olny be penetrated by magic. Hence, if Link stabs Superman with the Master Sword, he's dead in a heartbeat. Back on topic, both the nunchuck and the wiimote have motion sensors, and the nunchuck is just as responsive as the other of the pair. Let me tell you, it is awesome to bash a Shadow Beast in the face with the shield, and follow up with a helm splitter (the parry attack that attacked the head in WW).
Wii armour................I'd better make some..........but first I need to wait until I can afford all of the Wiimotes it would take............
The handling is a little harder than you would think for complex actions like the Back Slice, but with a little practice you can blend combos even better than before in WW.