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Word Filter


I think Zeldasages should have a word filter. I mean, yeah everyone here I know really wouldn't curse and such but still. The filter could change profanity, racial slurs and slurs about sexual orientation to just asterisks **** OR: It could change them into something totally different and hilarious. For Example.

Words starting with "B" Would be changed to: Bonkers!, Bugger, Blooming!, (etc, etc)
It may block those words, but there are still so many words that can get through it. And don't forget the hacker spelling of words with all the @s and $s.
That is known as censor bypass, which if the post is deemed worthy, you can get an infraction for it. At one point, we had so many words blocked, normal writing was considered swearing. So, we cut back a bit hoping that some members would be mature about their choice of language. If we really have to re-institute many of the words we had banned, I will have lost faith in the maturity of internet users.
I've added two alternative "hacker" spellings to the censor, however I really do not see a need for further action. I could set the censor to not use any replacement value, which will completely get rid of the word rather than replacing with ***, although there is no need.

I'll say it again, it is my hope that the members of Zelda Sages are mature enough to understand the use of proper language. If not, that's what infractions are for ;).
And like I said in a different post, we shall break some kneecaps if those rules are broken
Well, more like members of the moderation team will *hypothetically* break your kneecaps. Of course, we don't condone violence here, however Lt_Justin may have a separate idea on the matter :p.

You see though, it's also nice that everyone's account is site wide, so if we really wanted to we could always take away visibility of every menu on the main site...and maybe that can be considered breaking your knees seeing as how menus are on the right and left side of the screen.....yea I lost my thought...

Anyway, to get back, we like our word filter :).