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World Ends With You (Possible Sequel) *SPOILER POTENTIAL*

Link and Navi

The World Ends With You. For those of you who have NO idea what Im talking about, wewy is owned by square enix, and made by the same team that made kingdom hearts. if you have an ipad/pod/phone, I highly recommend buying or atleast looking up the solo remix. the original game was a ds title, and despite it being a kick *** game, it barely received any hype(mainly probably hopefully sadly) because of dissidia and other titles square was working on. ANYWAYS, for those who have beat the game for the IOS, the secret ending is different (slightly) from the ds version. BEFORE READING THIS THREAD, I HIGHLY ADVISE PLAYING THE GAME YOURSELF. WHY? BECAUSE ITS FREAKING AWESOME.

In the original ds version, when you beat the game, you get to choose any day from the past three weeks to play, along with a new day in an alternate universe. each day has on average four optional objectives, such as killing a certain noise, finding the day's special item, etc. once you complete all of the optional objectives for that one day, you unlock a note(written by *SPOILER*CAT*SPOILER*) that explains the wewy world and such. after you unlock every note(you overachiever) and fight the final boss again, you will see a different ending. no, I wont tell you what happens, that's what youtube is for(yay), but I will say that there was also a girl who didn't look like shiki holding mr. mew, and in the background, on the 109 billboard(called 104 in the game, because in japaneese, 4 sounds close to kill or killer or death) it says NEW 7 Days.

So, yeah. tell me what you think. Excited? You should be.