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Sage in Training
Okay, call me stupid but i'm already stuck. Well i'm not really stuck because I could probably do some more snooping around to figure out what to do but.... ya. I have time to kill anyway b/c my brother is playing on the Wii now and I might as well ask you... blah, blah, blah. Okay, well i need to find the little girls mother because she has the fishing rod. But i don't know where the little girl's mother is or who the mother is for that matter... Is it ilia? if it is then i know where she lives but i doubt its Ilia because she seems to young. but if it is then she is in the house towards the back of ordon. but i can't go in because she's "working on something". meanwhile those kids want a slingshot but when i go to buy it the lady is crying because of her stupid cat. I found the cat but i can't pick it up. also there's a stupid monkey holding a cradle. I know the cradle goes to the lady but how do i get the cradle from the monkey. finally the stupid guy was throwing rocks at the beehive and getting himself killed. How do i peice this together :confused:
To get the cradle climb the vines near the store, where that guy with the Frankenstine head is, and hop to the next raised land with grass similar to Epona's. Pick the grass and use it to call a hawk. Simply fire the hawk at the monkey, and you will retreive the basket. You need to give it to the mother, who is also the wife of your good o'l sword man ;).

The bees nest, same thing, however point the hawk at the bees nest.

Also, to throw it in as it annoyed me, to get the cat to run into the store take out your fishing rod and catch a fish. The cat should then follow you. Catch another fish, and the cat will take the fish and run inside.

I'd say I'm at the halfway point, or a little more or less then the halfway point of TP. If you need assistance with anything from the first 4 temples, and a bit beyond, I'm here ;).
Yo Bob, just wanna know: where are you supposed to pick up hidden skills afer you've used the Howling Stone? Specifically, the one in Death Mountain. I know I need to be in hylian form, but do I pick it up at the Stone, or later? I've beaten Goron Mines, and I'm starting to get worried that I missed it.
You need to go to the spot shown to you on your map, marked by a wolf head, after each stone. I beleive the Death Mt. stone wolf can be found in the spring where you lost the town children at the start of the adventure, near the hole. I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure that's where it is. I'm going through a second time taking notes ;).
Thaks, the info was correct. I just got the location of the wolf wrong. (P.S. You can go to any wolf spot in any order if you have multiple availible. You will simply learn the old ones first.)
Bob seem's to really knonw what's going on. It's sort of scary how you know it all. Did you beat the game already, Bob?