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Review Xenosaga Episode III (PS2)


The final game in one of the greatest of the PS2's role playing sagas. Lots of deep philosophical stuff and neat gameplay.

The regular in-game environments still all look flat and generally uninspired. Character models are decent, but everything looks much nicer in cinemas. Special effects during battle are nice and...shiny. Otherwise the general aura of the game is one of sterile futuristic creepiness. Not bad in my book.

SOUND: 8/10
Probably the best aspect here is the voice overs. They're way better than Episode II. The actors really convey the emotions and make you feel like a part of the story. Otherwise the music gets the job done, and sound effects really just seem like standard RPG fare.

These old-school styled RPGs (anything that isn't Elder Scrolls IV), have a sort of timeless charm to them. You explore around these neat, different places in search of items while on the quest towards something much greater.
Battles in this game are turn-based, and you can take as long as you like deciding what to do. Their difficulty is very well balanced throughout the game and they nicely blend strategy and action. There isn't too much level grinding in order to beat a boss. The usual "skill" system and item/equipment systems all function beautifully. No hiccups and confusion like in Episode II.
I didn't notice any really big extras that exist in this game that other RPGs lack, other than the exceptional storyline.

STORY: 9.5/10
Definitely one of the most finely-woven tales in any RPG I've played. Although you'll have to play all three games to get the full impact of everything, It's worth it. When talking to other gamers about RPGs that should be required by all to play, I always mention Xenosaga. As we all know, the PS2's light is fading. If you wish to check out some of this systems greatest moments in role playing, this series is definitely a must.
The story is a bit confusing, long-winded and very very dense. But, after all, it IS three games long.

OVERALL (for this game):9/10
OVERALL (for the series): 9.5/10

If you call yourself a role playing gamer (and you own a PS2), you need to play these!!
I'm currently engaged in a long-term project to read every single manga in the Flemington Borders. I haven't really started yet, but I'm anticipating whole days devoted to just sitting in that store reading. Should be fun. I'd be proud of myself if I could do it.
I mean, some of those maga are just so bad it's ridiculous.