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Translation: Did daylight savings time mess up anyone's computer and/or life?

It was supposed to be a sort of mini Y2K...
Only computer in my house that got messed up (wrong time that is) was my mom's. Mine and my dad's are just fine, along with my mom's laptop.
Actually, my parents both had to stay at work late all last week testing software and such. There was apparently a real concern that computers would crash/explode/become sentient and take over the world/the sky would fall/etc. since DST was moved.
I'll probably be finding clocks that need changing for the next week or so, but other than that, everything's fine.

Aha! The coffee maker! I knew I missed one!
Actually, my parents both had to stay at work late all last week testing software and such. There was apparently a real concern that computers would crash/explode/become sentient and take over the world/the sky would fall/etc. since DST was moved.
It's like T3 but with a really stupid reason.
What's the point of moving DST?
No, haha, I used to think that too, actually.

It's a political thing. It changes the time so that it's lighter during the hours people use to do things, therefore conserving energy by limiting the use of electronic lights that are needed. Yay.
Everything worked out well for me, until I had to figure out how to reset the clock in my Crown Victoria :D. After spending thirty minutes in the manual, I found out I was overlooking one of the most simple procedures on Earth and ended up bopping myself in the head. Apparently, there are two hidden buttons under the clock, one for the hour and one for the minute....

The moral of the story, the only y2k *which btw translates directly to year two thousand hehe* I experienced was my own human deficiencies :).
Yea, really. Oh, and thanks for reminding me to change my Jeep's clock. I'll need to figure that out. But I don't really see why people are having trouble because most computers are Windows, and most Windows computers sync with Microsoft's online download thingy automatically.
Daylight savings time started either during WW I or WWII to incress the lenght of time taht factories could produce muntions and such and yes i am still tired.