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Zelda fight (Take 2)


Ok if you remember when I first joined, I started a thread to entertain us with Zelda fighting, however, members began to flame it, and Bob took it down. Let's try that again, but please NO FLAMMING OR SPAMMING OF THIS THREAD! Just do one action a day please! I'll ask Bob or Versac to oversee this thread to make sure of that.


Alright here's the rules. Each character starts with 20 HP. Each attack only does 1 damage of HP. You can have one character heal another character for 1 HP.

1) You can only choose two actions a day. It was originally one action a day, but after seeing how dead the thread has been, I decided to up it. I'm going to ask an admin to oversee that. And don't try to cheat. There's a reason there are timestamps on posts

2) Choose one person to attack only a single target (That means no "OMG LINK THROWS A BOMB AT GANONDORF AND HITS GANONDORF AND ZELDA OMG OMG OMG!)

3) DON'T FLAME OR SPAM THIS THREAD!! (Have I made myself clear yet?)

4) Only pick from the characters that are present. (That means no "OMG *Screenname* ATTACKS *Screenname*!!!)

5) When a character is dead they are dead! No bringing anyone back to life!



*PH Link-20 HP
*Zelda-20 HP
*Twinmold-20 HP
*Twinrova-20 HP

*Original Link-19 HP
*Ciela-19 HP
*TP Link-19 HP
*OoT Link-19 HP
*Midna-19 HP

*Navi-18 HP
*Ganondorf-18 HP

*Linebeck-16 HP
If this is ok with bob, then:

Navi yells "HEY" at OoT Link, damaging Link's poor, poor ears.

OoT Link - 19 HP
Not to kill the fun but I'm going to close this until Bob approves of it. Last time we did this it caused great controversy... I wish we had a "spam forum" where we could put this thread.
It's fine, don't worry. Zerg set out a very detailed list of rules to please me, so it's fine :). I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out that all the reasons Zerg listed as to why we destroyed the last fight thread are 100% factual ;). I've also added one more rule.
Anyway, Linebeck became rather angered at Ciela for striking him. So, he fired a bomb at her. However, his poor aim and vision sent the bomb hurtling towards Navi instead. Navi was struck to the ground.

Navi - 19
Navi becomes mad at Midna for being a cooler sidekick and attacks with a "Hey" volley.

Midna: 19
Bob would it be possible if you could delete posts of attacks/heals after I edit the character stats, so it doesn't go on for 10+ pages?

Bob add-in
I'm not 100% sure, that would substantially lower post counts...and it's not like everyone is spamming. Just edit your first post :).
Ganondorf watches and laughes at the fools. Cocking his head back, he trips.

Ganondorf-19 hp.
Ganondorf makes a sexist crack at sheik (for being a woman warrior) and gets his *** sued.

Y'know it would be nice if an admin would help clean this up so I don't have to go through 3 pages to find the actions..

And yoyoll, last time I checked, thanking was an action (i mean there is a verb for thanking) but please, don't post pointless stuff. Actually post an action that affects the HP of another character
Y'know it would be nice if an admin would help clean this up so I don't have to go through 3 pages to find the actions..

And yoyoll, last time I checked, thanking was an action (i mean there is a verb for thanking) but please, don't post pointless stuff. Actually post an action that affects the HP of another character
I can help...

Also I think the rule should be changed to two posts per day...
Thank you for volunteering to help clean up the past posts, and I'll consider the two post limit. The reason I made it one post was because it took me awhile to just scroll through the posts on the last thread of this, so thats the reason
Navi goes in an angry tirade against Ciela for "stealing her spot," by assaulting her with yet another "Hey!" volley.

Ciela - 19
TP Link laughs at Original Link for poor graphics. Original Link replies by throwing a bomb.

TP Link - 19 HP

In case of confusion, Original Link was not harmed.
Alright I've changed the rule from 1 action a day to 2 actions a day. But don't flame or spam this thread because of the new change