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zelda sages


was this site made using html, frontpage or some other way? i am trying to teach myself html, and i was just wondering how this site was made
Frontpage is the devil's HTML editor :).

The current Zelda Sages was created with several applications. Obviously, Photoshop was used for every graphic you see. As for the site itself, Zelda Sages is powered by a CMS or "Content Management System" that integrates with our forum software Vbulletin. Our site skins were built using Dreamweaver to code CSS color schemes and PHP coding to create the layout. Our CMS determines in combination with your forum usergroup your permission levels on the main site *such as can download, comment, view, etc*.

The best place to start, as you are doing so, is to learn HTML. EVERY web language will find its roots from HTML and knowing HTML is essential to designing web pages. Once you learn HTML, learning CSS will be your next step. CSS and HTML actually work side by side, and CSS is not as hard as it may seem at first. Just as an example:
textarea, input, select
{   border: 1px #FFFFFF solid; 
    padding: 1px; 
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
    background-color: #193153;
    margin: 1px; 
This portion of CSS code controls our site input and selection areas. It outlines our text color as white and background color as the dark blue color, along with other size attributes. In HTML and CSS, defined colors are all in something called hexadecimal code. This is where a program like Dreamweaver comes in handy to find the specific color code for you, allowing you to simply point and click on a specific color.

I would recommend reading literature on these subjects to better improve yourself. Most high schools offer courses in Web Design which will teach you how to use programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, etc. It all may seem overwhelming at first, although with experience you should be witting code while watching Sienfeld in no time :). If you need any assistance I can help you out.
i never did like frontpage. :D

thanks for the info. i WAS going to take web page design when i got into 12th grade, but i decided to take Chem. II, physics, AP Cal, and who knows what else instead.

So I decided to check out some books from the library about html and css, it really isn't all that confusing once you get the hang of it.