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Zeldasages would like to welcome our new Co-Webmaster


The Webmaster
Zeldasages.com would like you all to meet the new Co-Webmaster ZeldaGuardian. ZeldaGuardian will be playing a very large part in the development of Zelda Sages. I already have a few great plans in mind ;). As the Co-Webmaster you can consider him to be my "right hand man". You can consider his word as good as mind when it comes to many aspects of the rules, your account, and much more. The two of us will be working hard to get everything off the ground so we can really turn Zelda Sage's into something to be proud of.

PS: ZeldaGuardian, if you want to reply with a bit of information about yourself please do ;).
Thank you, Bob. Know what really Grinds My Gears? You America, F*** you... j/k... That's from Family Guy: Stewie's Un-told Stories. Anyways, like what I have done in the past, I will continue to work my computer to the circuits (lol) to get this site off the rocks and into the stars of what is the Internet. I already have the guides completed, an Encyclopedia completed, and a 'few' ideas for this place... Trust me, I will call it like I see it. Also, I will try and fix a few knots that we will run into. Trust me we will... and well, we can expect great things from ZeldaGuardian.. ohh wait, that's me... lol... ZeldaGuardian out.

"The Will of Men have been losing power to ones that crave for it." ~ZeldaGuardian

P.S. (that' MY quote... no one steal it or use it... thx :) )