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What do you think the title will be for the next zelda game?


I think the Title is going to be The Legend of Zelda Ganon's Return

After Twilight Princess the hylians cremated ganon, will after that ganon risen from the dead.
Re: What do you think will the tile be for the future zelda game?


I have stated this before, I will state this again.

I. Want. A. Zelda. Starring. Link's. SON

The Legend of Zelda: The ___ of ___
Re: What do you think will the tile be for the future zelda game?


I have stated this before, I will state this again.

I. Want. A. Zelda. Starring. Link's. SON

The Legend of Zelda: The ___ of ___
That would totally ruin it. That would ruin everything. I don't like Zelda that much, but it would ruin even that. I really don't think you need a spoiler for that. At all. So I'm just gonna openly talk about it.

Link is a Nintendo character. Link is about 12 years old. Link has never had a real romance. Link is an outcast to most of his homes. Zelda games have never kept a real time line.

These are all reasons why Link would never have a child. Maybe, just maybe, someone distinctly related to him but even that would ruin everything. If Zelda games followed a time line like that it would break total character, same with Link having any sort of family. This just shouldn't happen.
Re: What do you think will the tile be for the future zelda game?

Link's son, Link junior, nah i think Link ( the same link) will still be there, but who is the Mother.

Princess Zelda
its probably gonna be a flop like wind waker cuz after an amazing game nintendo usually folds to sum stupid "creative stuff"
its probably gonna be a flop like wind waker cuz after an amazing game nintendo usually folds to sum stupid "creative stuff"

The Windwaker was by no means a "flop". It was a wonderful game, and accordingly, it got wonderful reviews.

God people. Get over the cel-shaded graphics.

Using Wikipedia as a reference:
Electronic Gaming Monthly:9.83/10
Game Informer:10/10
Nintendo Power:10/10

GameSpot Game of the Year, 2003

flop? I think not

Oh, and if I'm correct, ZeldaSages gave the game a grade of 95%
Just Link... Anything else really would ruin it for me...

WindWaker was amazing. I personally love the cel shaded graphics...