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Back to the ZeldaSages on myspace...

ZOMG, that is hillarious. Like Tom would really care if a group used the same name as a little known site (no offense, Bob, but it isn't too popular yet).
I hope you have a copyright Bob...
Check the bottom line on the page.

While I doubt we technically have an actual copyright, we have the records to justify a claim to the name, assuming someone else hasn't had it for several years.
Zelda copyrights are a bit special. Under international trademark laws, no one is supposed to even use the name "Zelda" in a website title, game name, etc. However, like many game publishers, they allow a right of use agreement with the consumer population. Basically, this means we are permitted to use the name on not for profit sites or items such as...Zelda fan sites :).

As far as Zelda Sages, there is no official document in my possession from the copyright office, mainly as per the international trademark law. However, the government allows you to state a name and content as copywritten, giving you many of the same rights as a copyright. However, you can not earn compensation if it were ever brought up in a court of law. The most the court could do, assuming you have records of a claim prior to another individual using it as we do, is make an injunction for that individual to stop using the name.

Really, I don't care about the myspace group. I mean, if I ever wanted to make a Zelda Sages myspace group I can, as a webmaster with valid records, contact the administration and ask to be placed in charge of the group. However, I think the myspace Windmage made is suitable :). This is the real Zelda Sages, everyone knows that, let the leader have his fun ;).