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extreme gaming


what is everyones favorite way to game?

mine and zeldaguardians is with a big thing of tortilla chips and salsa, 6 two liters of dr.pepper.
Mine is not so exetreme. I just kinda pick up my game and play. I'll occasionally have chips or Cheetos or cookies or something with something like iced tea or a soda to drink.
yeah. i agree. sometimes just picking up the game and playing is fun. but zeldaguardian and i have a game day almost every weekend. its really fun. we have annual game tournaments
I like to sit on my big couch, put my feet up on the ottoman, sit far away from the tv (thanks to Wii), and play half asleep with some kefir. I actually play better half asleep - no pressure.
When I'm by myself, I'm sitting at the edge of the bed for Guitar Hero, near the back of my bed for GameCube and Wii (oh yeah...) and middle of the bed for Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64...

As for munchies, plenty of Docs (preferably 5-6 2lits.), Salsa Verde Chips, chips and salsa (either Picante or my own receipe), and snacks (huney buns, oatmeal cookies, etc.) That's how I do...

With my brother, Krimson, it's about everything above about the munchies. We do what we have to do and school anyone and everyone that dares challenge us.
When its PC time, I get serious. I bust out the mountain dew, chips and headphones. Nothing but my obnoxiously loud phone can disturb me.

For consoles I'm generally just sort of sitting there, sometimes crosslegged with a snack. I dont know why consoles dont get me as pumped. Maybe its because youre further from the screen.

However, when I play a horror game, out go the lights and then things get really intense. :D