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Freezing problems?

Anyone else here having problems on the PS2 with this? I sure am, I just got this game a few weeks ago, not one scratch mark on it, and it froze when I was in the middle of a game. so yeah, I lost all data, ps2's sometime suck.
I don't play my ps2 too much anymore except when i play MLB '07 the show and KH2 and I didn't have any problems then but back several years ago when I used to play timesplitterzs and other games non stop my ps2 would occasionally decide to freeze up.
There is something in the PS2 that alligns with the disk allowing you to play. As it gets older, it's angle changes, until it starts to freeze and not even load. At this point, you must change the angle yourself until it alligns again, until it gets to the point, where you have to do it daily just to be able to play. Eventually, it breaks, and you can't play anymore. My friend has this problem... It might not be your problem, but it is possible...