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Mac or PC???

Well, I really have no preference. I own a desktop PC which I upgraded to Windows Vista, and I own a Powerbook G4 running OS X Tiger. Each operating system has their ups and downs, features and lack thereof. That's why I own both ;).
Well apparently, I'm not allowed to buy a laptop for myself, but I would prefer windows because nothing runs on Macs.
I'm a windows kinda guy because that's what I was raised on. Even though it is really annoying at time. Darn DOS....
I like windows for the same reason that dakare does. Also, my school uses macs and they're incredibly annoying.
I prefer Windows. My olde school had Macs, which I always ended up fighting whenever I tried to do anything, but I loved some applications that macs have (Imovie, Appleworks) but overall, I like windows more.
I like Macs for movie editing and art stuff, but everything else I like Windows for.
Oh... there was a tv studio class i had in middle school where you made movies about random things and i was so good at it. Also a music class where you use garage band. iMovie and Garage Band are the only cool features Macs have (in my opinion)
I find its easier to code with PC's....Macs are also the spawn of my old computer teacher...the robot zombie.....eek
Linux. It will either elevate you into a higher level of electronic existence or make your head explode.


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I want to try Linux, but I can't seem to find a copy for an old Pentium II Compaq that I want to put it on... I was gonna make a duel OS computer with Linux and Windows ME.