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Sly fans?

Anyone here play the Sly series? its an awesome series, I like it alot, I've beaten number 2 and 3, but I cannot find a copy of number 1.
You're looking at the Greatest Sly Cooper player in this world (true fact). I have completed the ENTIRE series within a world record of about 4 1/2 hours, 100% completely... I was able to separate my time from Zelda and the Nintendo Industry to play Sly Cooper and I got hooked within the first game...

Truth be told, I'm currently writing a Thieveous Raccoonus Book and I'm going to try and have it published by Sony... Nonetheless, believe it or not, some of those moves are doable in real life... I should know, I've almost killed myself trying them... The 'Rail-Slide' and the 'Rail-Walk' are the ones that I can do with ease. If you're looking for help on any of the games, I'm the best person to go for it.

Some have called me, 'Sly Cooper's Future Son'...
41/2 hours? It took me like 3 days just to complete the second game, another 3 days to complete the third one! that must be like, none stop playing or something
It took me about 3.5 days to remember where everything is at. Not an easy thing to accomplish, but I did it.
It took me 3.5 days to remember how to beat the times and whatnot... After completing that, it took me 4.5 hours to complete the series. That's what I meant.