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Smashing Brawl Ideas

I think they are makin homing mines.. wait thats halo 3.... ah well! nother idea!! They shoould use Daros from tales of phantasia! He has 4 forms! he would be good lol
Thats a little to complicating, to have 4 forms. How about Pacman Pellet Item which if you eat, heals you 20% and acts as a Super Mushroom.
Ya... I guess.. I got a good item tho...Flash Powder from Runescape! Throw it at people and they get momentary confused... Right is left left is right ect..
Here is a Character Who deserves a revival: Rising Zan (The Samurai Gunman). He had a really awesome game, and he could be a fusion of Marth and Fox, Swordsman and Gunner.

Rising Zaaaaaaaaaan, the Samurai Gunman! Rising Zaaaaaaaaaan, Johny No More!

More Ideas from the master of Useless Trivia:

Captain Olivar (Pikman (He could throw the pickmen and they would follow his mental commands, such as explode, punch and kick(Oooh that would be a good iitem)))
Metroid (It could possess other characters with one of its attacks, and could transform into Dark Samus for another)
OOO GOOD IDEA FORMING!! I suggest Felix from the Golden Sun series! He can use the sol rising sword and the special can be the a/k! Another good character would be superman!
Ya... another good feature for the single player would be oppo-players.. Like there is a dark kirby with more powers than ht eregular and u have to use wit to beat them
wow the trailer looks amazing and i was reading nintendo power and they had a whole section with ideas for other people lol... Here's an idea... JOHN MADDEN!
That would be a joke made by the NP Crew. And Yes, their is something like this in NP, but I wanted to see everyones ideas, not just a select few.

You've Got Ideas:


Samurai Goroh (F-Zero (He could be a swordsman, but also use explosives and dirty play))
Daisy (Mario Games (She could be like Mario and Luigi to Peach, in which her attacks are similar but different))


Speedwing (Fire Emblem)
Slingshot (Zelda)