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the down side to wii


don't get me wrong..... i LOVE wii. but it really annoys me!

i will be playing a game and the wii mote senser will pick up something wrong and it will make me do something stupid.

for example, when i play wario ware smooth moves, and me and zeldaguardian are playing dart. it will make me throw the dart when i dont. or when i'm trying to do the mortar and pestal action on there it wont pick up my movement. they need to enhance the senser on the wii. they did make it pretty cheap.

also, when i'm playing brawl, i always play as pit. sometimes he will just not move at all, or he will throw something when i dont want him to. AHHHHHH, it's so aggravating.

anyone else get annoyed at anything on their wii?
Yeah, I know what you mean. It really wouldn't be hard for Nintendo to create a more sensitive Wiimote. And to integrate it, at most, you would just need to install an update. It would be kind of nice if a third party decided to make a more sensitive Wiimote.