• Welcome to the Zelda Sages Forums!

    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

Welcome to the New Forums


The Webmaster
It gives me great pleasure to finally share years worth of hard work with all of you! Welcome not only to the new Zelda Sages design, but welcome to the new forums as well. Our membership system and forums are now, proudly, running on the Xenforo platform. You have likely already noticed a significant number of changes, and not just in the forum design. I'd like to briefly detail a few important changes so you can all spend less time translating and more time participating.

Posting Changes
Posting is accomplished similarly to how you would post in our previous system. If you are viewing the thread list, you need only to click the, "Post New Thread" button in the upper-right hand corner of the content area. The button looks like this:
To reply to a thread, either click the text, "reply" on any message, or you can scroll to the bottom of the page to the text box. Most messages will require just the text box at the bottom of the page, but if you want to use additional options (or you really like having a separate page to write a post) you can click the, "More Options" button.

Private Messages (PMs) are now Conversations
Private Messages have been replaced by Conversations. Conversations operate similarly to threads. Think of them as private threads between you and anyone else you invite. You can access Conversations by going to, "Inbox" on the yellow bar under the forum banner. PMs were each imported as a separate conversation. To remove a conversation from your inbox, enter the conversation and select, "Leave Conversation". If both you and all others in the conversation, "leave" the conversation, it is permanently deleted from the database.

Big Profile Changes
There are far too many changes to list, but in a nutshell your profile now operates similarly to a Facebook profile, but without all the sketchy internal stalking and privacy violations. You can post status updates, direct comments, and manage others' post on your profile (previously not allowed). As always, if you feel someone's actions warrant review by a moderator, report the content rather than delete it.

No More Stock Avatars
We no longer supply stock avatars. Please upload your own avatar via your control panel. If your email address has a Gravatar attached to it, your avatar has been updated automatically by Gravatar. We recommend uploading your own avatar as soon as you can, unless you like seeing a boring, "unknown" avatar above your name.

Trophies, Likes, Stuff!
Ranking is no longer based on posts / days registered alone. Trophies and likes are now an important component of ranking up. Trophies are achievements you can earn by performing different activities on Zelda Sages. You can earn trophies for posting, sticking around, receiving likes, submitting fan work, winning contests, etc. Check your alerts. You've all likely earned tons of trophies already, including the special, "Hylian Pioneer" trophy for all those that registered before the site transition.

Likes are exactly what they sound like (no pun intended). If you appreciate someone's content, whether it be a post, comment, or whatever, be sure to, "Like" it. To offset the nearly 10 years we haven't had likes, I've given every pre-transition member 50 likes to start out with. This will also help mitigate the effects of the new ranking system on more senior members.

Some General Re-Arrangement
The arrangement of the forums is more or less the same, however I've combined a few forums (such as the old Music/TV/Books forum with Chat) to better balance posting areas.

Infractions are now Warnings
I've purged all infractions, so everyone is starting with a clean slate. With that said, we do still have a form of the infractions system called, "Warnings". Warnings operate similarly to infractions with two notable differences:
  • They are only visible to moderators. You won't be constantly reminded of that one time you spammed three years ago whenever you visit your profile.
  • There are less ways to earn a warning, as per our new and improved (more sensible) TOS.

OK, too much, Have Fun!
We really hope that you like what we've done with the place! Go, have fun, interact, do cool things!