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What have you called yourself in videogames?


Hope Never Dies
Title explains it. Name the names you have given the characters in videogame.

My actual name - Obvious reasons :p
Ultima - Usually if UltimaLink doesn't fit, I might use this.
UltimaLink - My username on this forum, and it sounds cool :)
Link - For Zelda games, because that is the heroe's proper name
Bob - Not after Webmasterbob, I just name it that when I'm really not serious about it. It's usually the first name to come to mind xD
Jesus - xD My current Pokemon Leaf Green guy, I find it absolutely hysterical when people talk to you. *Jesus obtained the BoulderBadge!* I also seem to have Jesus-like powers in the game when I use it :)

That's all I can think of for now...
I'm going to list mine and ZG's names:

Shadow - because I belong with the Shadows, slowly watching the world transform
My actual name - When I don't have the time to think of a name.
GoI - Because I guard the power of Ice, and it's true.

ZeldaGuardian - That's what he is, nothing can't compare.
Master - Because he usually masters the game, better than everyone else.
Valmar - His middle name

And, that's it.

  • Mataru- My "fantasy" name
  • {DELETED BY MANAGEMENT}- actual name
  • Dakare- my "sci-fi" name
  • Ed/Eddie- My middle name
Usually use default names (such as Cloud for FFVIII, or Link for LoZ), but when you can name them, usually either
  • My Real Name
  • Slyguy46
  • Sly (if Slyguy46 doesn't fit, or if I can't use numbers)
and in a few games (such as Midnight Club 3), where you can use nicknames, usually a name followed by an element (such as Wind for a fast character in Soul Calibur 3).
in the loz games i use Link.
except in the case of the second quest, where i use DJ, the name that I go by.

but for other games:

Male Character Names: Kaz, Hiro, DJ
Female Character Names: Taryn or Ryn
This interests me 0.0

In Pokemon, I use Ash, true to the original name :p
And in almost eveything thing else, I'm either I am a teddy, or Teddy
im usually tinyslam or some variation of that. like tinyslam90 tinyslam900 tinyskills. those are all for 1 game though but its the only game i play :)
1 kaboom cuz its a cool name
2 aaaaaaaaaaaa cuz umm i like it
3 lazy cuz i am
4 my rele name

tose r the names i wode choss
almost always I am Lt. Justin ever since my first time playing OoT because Gen.justin wouldn't fit I have used that name in everything

some times I am retard so when people say my name it's funny as anything
currently My gamertag on Xbox live is SilverSpartan17 which it has been since the beggining of playing live i have alos had other gamertags in conjunction to this such as:

l360l Magnum
l360l Bawls
MLG Loaded
BxR Spartan

I still use SilverSpartan17 and am changing it to my calling card Silver Spartan or Spartan/ MLG Spartan. I am the only Spartan name in MLG competitions and therefore it am the original and best.