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Recent content by Cèsar

  1. C

    Look who stopped in to visit!

    Me!!! Ya thats right I bet u dont know who i am
  2. C

    Messed up videogame names

    Dig Dug: My mom is fat.
  3. C

    Media Moderator

    I knew that, hmmm, o well, this tread is gitting old, maybe it should be closed now.
  4. C

    Media Moderator

    Ummm, you know me well, you live down the street from me :confused:
  5. C

    Media Moderator

    Hello all, I have resigned from my job. I was supposed to have my job done by a certain date, my grandpa has just died so I wont get it done. I am resigning.
  6. C

    The iPhone ... So Beautiful

    Im going to buy one.
  7. C

    Fanfiction: Christmas in Hyrule

    Nice Job, staff, please keep this post up as I am placing this as his fan fiction.
  8. C

    Zeldasages: the history

    I haven't been with ZS that long but I know that it has had a very interesting past...
  9. C

    Favorite Hero

    Please don't flame! :) I voted for Fox McCloud, I added him in :cool:
  10. C

    Official Riddle Thread!

    The cops came in and they said they would kill him unless he left, and he wanted to live so he left
  11. C

    Politics and the Zeldasages Government!

    O no...your right...i better prepare!
  12. C

    Official Riddle Thread!

    Didnt einstine have a theroy, ummmm.....what was it...RELITIVITY
  13. C

    Politics and the Zeldasages Government!

    when do i get to be in the story?:(
  14. C

    Official Riddle Thread!

    numbers, trees, shadows?
  15. C

    Official Riddle Thread!

    but their was nothing in a room, and thats not hanging