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Official Riddle Thread!

But there wasnt anything in the rooooom!

Heres a riddle for you all to wondr in amazment

What goes up, but at the same time goes down, up to the sky and down to the ground, my present tense and my past tense too, lets go for a ride just me and you...what am i?

Good luck =D Its painfully obvious too lol

A see-saw, fool!
A see-saw, fool!
My god, why didn't I think of that?

Well, this isn't really a riddle, but I wan't to see what everyone thinks about this (this is from a certain book, if you know the real answer, don't post it, just say you know it):

What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?
*awkward silence*...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Im gonna guess cheese
None are right yet, but if you think you know the actual answer, PM me and I'll tell you if your right or wrong. If you post it if its right, until I get a few more guesses, you will suffer.
Acually, the theorey of relativity had nothing to do with the meaning of life and everything. It was more along the lines of the theory that matter curves spacetime, and this curve alters the path of free particles (and even the path of light). General relativity uses the mathematics of differential geometry and tensors in order to describe gravitation as an effect of the geometryof spacetime. This theory is based on the general principle of relativity, which requires all observers to experience the same laws of physics, not just those moving with uniform speed, hence its name.

... :p
This is a really difficult question to answer. If I get either a guess from two more people, or get 5 more post with guesses, I will answer it, and where its from. Oh and Zeroth, NO!!!!
Man... the answer is wrong then! Teddy bearsa are the meaning of life.. I'm gonna hunt u down sly.. (real name withdrawn)
Fine, since no one is gonna get it right,

The Answer to Life, the Universe and EVERYTHING IS ............


Now try and figure out the QUESTION of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Since I don't want any brain related explosions, unless they have to do with cows, the question is approximately:

8 x 7

P.S. This is not from Monty Python, but from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Use the Electric Thumb!
I'm still confused.... by the way is that book any good?

New Riddle:
A robber holds up a bank, but leaves with no money whatsoever. However, he is more pleased then if he had left with lots of money.