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Official Riddle Thread!

i am a teddy

Ok, this was originally a chain mail that I DID NOT get on send to any1! If you have recieved this and figured ut the anwer, don't spoil the surprise;)

Riddle: What is greater than good

Eviler than evil

Poor ppl have it

Rich ppl need it

And if you eat it you will die.

Re: Riddle me this

can it be a person?
If it can ill go with my evil little brother >_<
If not ill go with toothpaste
Re: Riddle me this

KK, only IHEART was right :D Halo's finale did fit however.

Greatern than good: Nothing
Eviler than evil: nothing
Poor ppl have nothing
Rich ppl need Nothing
And if u eat nothing, you shall die
Re: Riddle me this


who'd eat a heart?

lol i guess if ur crazy but lol

:D good riddle now i got one

which ill put in another thread :D

oh yeah..the answer was given so um lol

Windmage's own riddle...

Muhahaha....a riddle of mine!

Da Riddle:

You went to the woods and got it

You got it but you couldnt get it

You couldnt get it so you took it home with you.

What is it?

lol post your answers!
ill give the answer maybe tomorow lol.
this was a hard one
for my friends at school
but maybe me and my friends are all idiots? ^_^
Animaldude's Own Riddle!!!

Okay i got this from a book and its pretty easy... i wont say which book i got it from until i give the answer... Here it is:

What is tall when young and shrinks with age.

P.S well thats probably only half the riddle because i could think of the others words so its easier for you.
Re: Windmage's own riddle...

no, its not a disease ^_^

ill post the answer tonite maybe ^_^