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Recent content by Gunslinger Girl

  1. Gunslinger Girl

    What Tv shows do you watch?

    Lately I've taken a liking to Eureka, Dr. Who, and Reeper. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Ninja Warrior, Stargate Atlantis, The Office, Futurama, and Deadly Women will always be my favorite. <3
  2. Gunslinger Girl

    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Hey :) Not sure if you're still active here, but I hope you are. It's always great to have new people. I haven't been on in awhile due to school and work... But hopefully I can get on more soon. :)
  3. Gunslinger Girl

    PC Minecraft

    Is it online or would you have to have people over to do the multi player version? It sounds cool. ^.^
  4. Gunslinger Girl


    Alrighty so I'm thinking we should have another picture war thing. No porn or any of that type of disturbing STUFF. ^.^ Have FUN!!!
  5. Gunslinger Girl

    It's because he admires my hacking skills.

    It's because he admires my hacking skills.
  6. Gunslinger Girl

    Hello :)

    Exactly my point! I look forward to the brighter days coming for Zelda Sages :)
  7. Gunslinger Girl

    Hello :)

    Hello everybody :) So it seems that activity has gone down a lot this year, myself included. I believe that the main problem is that when one of us does come on, no one else is here so it's rather discouraging. I'll see what I can do to come on more often so that others will have SOMEONE to...
  8. Gunslinger Girl

    Where is everybody!!!!! Ides we NEED you here.

    Where is everybody!!!!! Ides we NEED you here.
  9. Gunslinger Girl


    How would I dress???
  10. Gunslinger Girl


    Taking votes on what I should be for Halloween. 1.Pioneer 2.Renaissance Princess(?) 3.Bride 4.Pirate 5.something else
  11. Gunslinger Girl

    School is Cruel

    You should hahahahahahahaha
  12. Gunslinger Girl

    School is Cruel

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I haven't had any homework, I have friends in all my classes, I love my teachers, and my classes are amazing. :p
  13. Gunslinger Girl

    Currently listening to?

    Her Morning Slumber Oren Lavie
  14. Gunslinger Girl

    sage is back.

    Welcome back again......
  15. Gunslinger Girl

    Happy very early birthday!

    Happy very early birthday!