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Hello :)

Hello everybody :)

So it seems that activity has gone down a lot this year, myself included. I believe that the main problem is that when one of us does come on, no one else is here so it's rather discouraging. I'll see what I can do to come on more often so that others will have SOMEONE to talk to in the chat, but you other people have got to try to make some effort to. Thanks ^.^


Gunslinger Girl

Yeah, there is a major lull in activity. I'm almost always on, so if you see me on and want to talk, enter the chatroom. The majority of the time I'll see that you've entered and I'll follow shortly. I'm not always in the chatroom alone because of the automatic time-out.

As for the forums, post! Add to the conversation, start new threads, etc. There's only so much one person can do to save the forums.
Indeed, I partially blame myself for not care-taking enough. I've had a lot going on over the last few months with workload, etc. However, I plan on working to get the site skeleton done, with Dane's help, so we may have a new ZS shortly after the New Year. Then I can have a great excuse to advertise ;).

In the meantime, yes, posts, chat, etc! Individuals make ZS lively!
I'll try to be on more, but I can really only come on in bursts. If I don't do well out here my parents will kill me, literally!

I can't wait to see the new site stuf btw, Bob. I know what you mean about having little time, but I'm sure it will all be fantastic when it's done!
I have been much busy as well... With finals and alot of music stuff to complete before the winter break, I have been very busy. I do plan on coming back more often to see how everyone is doing and post along here too... Soo, how has everyone been, besides busy and out and about??