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Fanfiction: Insurrection of Evil

Cool. Maybe I'll use it in the Fanfic I am gonna make ...

Lets just say Link is a secondary character.
Okay, I know that everyone who liked this story and the people who helped me will be disappointed in this decision. I have decided to re-write EVERYTHING in this story. There were many deciding factors that brought this on. First of all, I haven't been able write anything in this without forcing myself. When that happens, especially at a half-way point in the story, I either have to force the ending, OR start over completely. I've chosen the later. Secondly, I actually hated, absolutely HATED how I was writing. I know that linear is how the games play out, but I hated how it was going. Third, the story was just NOT working for me. Certain elements of it were and they'll likely stay in, but for the most part, the story just plain sucked. In fact, something that was originally going to be something of a subplot is going to become a very major portion of the storyline.

So, it will probably be a good portion of time before I have anything substantial, but what I may try and do is do something I did for this fic on a different site. It will be a sort of trailer for the story. But I will leave this thread open for a couple of days to let you guys comment, but this thread will need to be closed and probably moved somewhere cause I'll want a fresh thread for the re-write.
Hey, if you have a good story, you might want to consider making it into a text adventure, where we decide the general outcome of the story. It would still follow a set path, but we would let the story develop, developing the character(s) to become heroic or vengeful or just stupid. But its up to you if you want to do that or not. Plus you haven't ever done that before, so if you don't want to screw it up, just write it normally.

Can't wait for the story. ;)
Lc Lc, you might want to read everything. This is no longer the story.

Anyway, a bit of news on the re-write. I have things IN MY HEAD! However, the things in my head are mainly the climactic final battles at the end. I need to come up with a really good beginning and then start filling it in. However, I do think that I can give you all that teaser I was talking about:

[Hylian script appears on the screen, which is then translated by that same voice over dude who does nearly every movie preview ever]
Narrator: It has been a year since the defeat of the King of Evil.
[An aerial shot of Hyrule as seen at the end of Ocarina of Time, though the Gerudo Valley seems to be completely shut off from Hyrule, and a large structure is visible inside it]
Narrator: Peace and prosperity have returned to the land.
[A view of the new Hyrule Castle and the Castle Town, which look very similar to Twilight Princess, only a bit smaller]
Narrator: And at last, a beloved hero returns home.
[A close-up of the face of said Hero, eyes closed for a moment, and then they open, showing his deep blue eyes]
Narrator: But. As with all peace, this one is coming to an end.
[A horde of Moblins and Stalfos march on Hyrule Castle Town, behind them lie the burning ruins of Lon Lon Ranch]
Zelda: A strange force is tampering with the seal on the Sacred Realm. I don't know if it will open or not, but if it does...
[Link is shown looking at the Triforce mark on his left hand and then he looks up]
Link: Then he'll be free.
[A fierce battle is shown outside the gates to Castle Town, and Link is shown riding Epona into the thick of it, the Master Sword gripped tightly in his hand]
Narrator: But despite the advent of the forces of evil...
[A large Moblin, Stalfo, and Darknut are shown bowing before a revived Koume and Kotake]
Narrator: The greatest battle may lie within...
[Another close up of Link and his eyes close, and then they open again, no longer blue, but completely white]
[TITLE: The Legend of Zelda: Insurrection of Evil]
[TEXT: Coming Summer 2008]
As I said, quite a few elements are staying, it was mainly the linear "go to dungeon A, get item B, defeat boss C, obtain item of power D, repeat" wasn't working for me. I know a lot of people liked it, but it just didn't flow for me. Hopefully I can get the new version flowing and it'll be a better story than before! :D

And I put together a little something for you guys: The new logo for the story!
