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Fanfiction: Insurrection of Evil

Thanks! Okay, now we have a short history lesson, as I see the history of Hyrule. You may not agree, but it's my interpretation of what's been said in the canon so far. Also, you guys may start to see a side of Link that's...shall we say, dark? I certainly hope so! ^_^

Chapter 7:
Long, long ago, before the land of Hyrule was united, the entrance to the Sacred Realm of the Triforce was not hidden. The peoples of the world gathered at the entrance to the Realm, but never entering. That was a privilege given only to Hyrule's Royal Family. That is, until evil began seeping into the world. The evil came from the Sacred Realm. A man of incredible darkness had entered the Realm, but had been unable to achieve the sacred golden triangles. But, the Golden Land of the Sacred Realm had changed him, and he controlled a magic beyond belief. He returned to his homeland to build an army, and to sire an heir. His dark magic began affecting the other races of Hyrule, turning them against each other in an effort to claim the Golden Power that he himself vowed to return for. As the armies of evil marched into Hyrule, the King of that age knew something must be done. By his command, seven sages and Hyrule's best artisans and blacksmiths began building a temple to house the door to the Sacred Realm. The Temple of Time was thus constructed, with the Door of Time being the barrier between the two worlds. And to complete the seal, a sword was created, a weapon that could be used in Hyrule's direst hour, a blade that would repel all evil. The Master Sword was finished just as the armies from the distant land marched on the castle's gates. A Hylian soldier took up the Master Sword and led the battle against the invading army. The first Hero of Hyrule defeated the army after a single day of battle. After the remains of the army went into the western desert, the Hero entered the Temple of Time and used the Master Sword to seal the door between realms. The Master Sword later became the weapon to defeat Ganon, King of Evil, and it is this weapon that the Hero of Time has once again taken up against the forces of evil.
Zelda glared at Link. "What took you so long?!"

"Well, excuse me, princess. I ran into a little trouble," he said with a slight smile as he helped her up. Zelda laughed after a moment, then steadied herself.

"Well, you'd better hope that we can finish these guys off fast. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a hot bath back in the castle," she retorted.

"Then fast it shall be," Link said. He dropped his shield on the ground, then reached into his item pouch on his belt. Glad that he had saved some of the items he claimed during his journey in Termina, he grasped one now. From his item pouch, Link drew a gleaming gold sword, etched with black roses in the center of the blade. He twirled the Master Sword and the Great Fairy's Sword, then jumped into the middle of the dark creatures gathered. He concentrated energy into both blades and then spun, sending waves of energy spinning around him and destroying several of the enemies. As the other's began attacking, Link defended with the Great Fairy's Sword and attacked with the Master Sword, cutting through two Moblins in seconds. He swept one off its feet, then stabbed into it with the Great Fairy's Sword. All that was left was one last Darknut.

"So, this is the Hero of Time. You shall meet your end today, fool," the enemy said. Link spat, then readied both of his swords. As the Darknut slashed with its large sword, Link caught it with his own blades. The Hero of Time pushed the creature away, then attacked from both sides, an easy feat with two blades. The Darknut's armor, however, kept Link's weapons from penetrating its hide. Then Link jumped and caught the creature's helmet with the Fairy Sword and it flew away, exposing the Darknut's face. The dark creature roared and bashed Link away with the flat of its sword.
Link rolled along the ground until he hit the side of a building.

"Ugh...dammit," he muttered as he stood. His enemy stalked towards him as the Hero regained his equilibrium. "Fine. If that's how you want it, then dirty fighting it shall be," Link said. But before Link could reach into his item pouch for a few bombs, the Darknut's remaining armor fell away. Link saw Zelda behind the beast, her sword in hand. Link charged and jumped right in front of the Darknut's blow, giving Zelda enough time to get back. Link managed a flip in the air to land on his feet, pain shooting up his back from the hit. "I've had enough of this nonsense," he growled. He charged at the creature, ducking under its sword as it swung. In one swift move, Link slashed through the creature's Achilles' tendons, sending it to its knees. Link put the Master Sword and the Great Fairy's Sword at the Darknut's neck, crossing the blades. Without a thought of mercy, Link uncrossed the blades, creating a horrifying shriek as they cut through the flesh and bone of the creature's neck. Link sighed as the enemy exploded into darkness. He tried to slow his breathing, trying not to think about the numerous injuries he and Zelda had just taken.

A hand on his shoulder startled him, but a quick glance confirmed that it was only Zelda. "Link, you did a wonderful job. We...you protected the town. I thank you," she said. Link managed a weak smile. "Come on. We have healing baths in the castle. In a few hours, we'll be as good as new." Link nodded, sheathing the Master Sword and putting the Fairy's Sword into his item pouch. As they walked towards the palace, Link felt Zelda's hand curling around his, and for a reason he couldn't identify, he felt a sense of peace that he hadn't had in years.
Very good. and yes, I definately DID see Link's 'dark side', but everything and everyone has a dark side. It's just awesome to see Link go into complete bad*** mode, and utterly thrash aanything in his way. :)
What is the total capacity of Link's item pouch and where can I get one? I always wonder where all that stuff goes... probably extradimensional.
Yeah, the Ball and Chain and Bomb Bags alone would take up the space of bag. Maybe his back opens to a rift in space and time, where you can fit any amount of matter.
Or maybe it is just a bag and the developers were to lazy to think about it.

Anyway, great job so far.
Yeah, I have no idea how those stupid item pouches Link has works. I'm too lazy to try and figure it out. Stupid Hylians and their magic tricks. :p Anyway, this is the last chapter I've written so far, so it may be a bit before the next update, so I'd definitely like to see some discussion as I personally think this is my favorite chapter as far as character development goes.

Chapter 8:
Princess Zelda shrugged out of her robe and eased into the hot bath, the healing water easing the bruises and cuts all over her skin. "Oh wow. This is heaven," she moaned happily. She cupped her hands, filling them with water. Then she let it flow down her hair and head, washing out the grime. She then submerged herself in the water up to her chin. As she relaxed, her thoughts turned to Hyrule's hero. "Something's happening to him," she whispered. She had noticed it during the battle. And for once, she wasn't thinking about his obvious attraction to her. She had noticed it, of course, and reciprocated, but this was different. Near the end of the fight, Link's fighting had become almost...brutal. It was frightening. She wondered if Link even realized it. She knew one thing though. His attitude had brightened considerably afterwards, especially on the walk back to the castle. She felt her cheeks warm, and she shook her head, giggling softly. Link may be a warrior, and a frightening one at times, but she felt a deep connection to him. Part of her wanted to say that it was just because of the ties of the Triforce, but she knew it was far more than that. She absently twisted a lock of her golden hair around her index finger as she thought about Link. The more she thought about his kind, gentle nature, the more she thought about his merciless fight against the enemy. "What could cause him to do something like that?" she wondered, her brow creasing. But then, his smile came back to her, coloring her face once again. She giggled, then looked at her fingers, noticing just how much like a dried prune they looked. "I've been in here too long," she sighed, wondering just how long she'd been contemplating her relationship with the Hero of Time. She had to tell him.
Link eased into the hot bath, not really caring much for the heat or anything else for that matter. His thoughts kept turning to the battle. "What happened to me out there?" he muttered. Something had taken hold of him. Something dark. The Hylian Hero silently closed his eyes and sank into the bath.

Ganondorf fell to the ground, green blood pooling around him. Wounds covered the Dark King's body. Zelda watched, holding her bleeding right arm, a horrified look on her face. This wasn't justice. This wasn't even revenge. This was murder. Blood dripped from the double helix form of the blade as he slowly advanced on the princess. The sword rose, then fell, slicing into Zelda's chest, and then---

"NO!" Link yelled as he sat up in the bath, water splashing everywhere. He held his hand to his chest, as if doing that could stop his heart from pounding. "A dream, just a dream," he assured himself. Still, he couldn't help but feel as though something was really wrong and that he might find himself going down that path. He thought back to the brief vision, and he found that he remembered the sword that he had used. An image of a past encounter came back to him, from when he aquired a highly dangerous mask in the land of Termina, a mask said to be almost as bad as Majora's Mask. He looked over at his belt, then sighed. "I shouldn't have kept that thing. It's too dangerous. But...what would I do with it now? Ganondorf could use it against me," he muttered. Another image from the vision assaulted him. What if he did attack Zelda? He wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself. He sighed and forced himself to think of nicer things. Zelda's lovely face immediately came into his head, causing his cheeks to color. He knew that she knew he was attracted to her, everyone else surely did. He found it within himself to smile again. He cared deeply for her, probably more than she realized. But still, she had to know. He would tell her after Ganondorf was sealed away again.
Link walked through the palace halls, almost to his room when he heard footsteps behind him. "Hello Link," a melodious voice called. He turned to see Zelda approaching, wearing a white gown that made the princess seem almost ghostly in appearance.

"Good evening, Princess," he replied formally.

Zelda laughed lightly. "Why so formal Link?"

Link shook his head. "I'm sorry Zelda...I'm just tired," he said. Zelda nodded and touched his shoulder. She hid a smile as Link blushed. "Good night Princess," he hurriedly said, walking down the hallway.

Zelda sighed, then giggled a little. "Well, he'll get over that shyness someday," she said to herself. Then she shouted, "Good night hero!" down the hall to him. Then she twirled on her heel and strolled to her room.
Flames covered the kingdom of Hyrule. The castle lay in ruins, as did most of the town. The black tower to the west had long crumbled to dust. With the tower lay the remains of the once-powerful Ganondorf...as well as the remains of the Princess of Destiny, Zelda. Walking the ruins of the destroyed kingdom was a warrior beyond compare, a fiend so terrible that even the mighty King of Evil fell to his blade, a deity that could only be described as a demon from Hell. This demon stood tall, his armor glinting in the fires of Hyrule, his helix-shaped blade dripping blood. He continued his solitary march, killing any who dared to oppose him. This dark creature had none to even challenge him. Not even the Hero of Time. For the Hero had already fallen. Not to the Fierce Deity, but to his own darkness.
Link bolted upright, his sweat-soaked blond hair sticking to his forehead as he struggled to catch his breath. "Just...just a dream," he muttered, breathing heavily. He swung his legs over the side of the bed that Zelda had generously provided. Two of those dreams in a few hours, and Link couldn't figure out why. He grabbed a dark green robe, yet another thing that Zelda had provided for him, and he slipped it on. He kept his feet bare as he trod to the door. He opened and shut it as softly as possible. He walked lightly down the hallways through the castle until he found the garden. He tiptoed over the rocks in the water and then gripped a limb on a tree nearby. He swung up and landed on one of the higher branches and sat against the trunk, watching the crescent moon moving slowly through the twinkling sky. His gaze eventually fell on the dark tower in the west and a shudder ran up his spine. "Ganondorf..." he murmured. Link sighed and closed his eyes.

"Link?" came a voice from below. When Link opened his eyes, he saw that the moon was even closer to the horizon. He looked down at the base of the tree and saw Zelda leaning against it in a light blue nightrobe. "We're heading out to the other temples tomorrow, right?"

The Hero took his time answering, but he finally did. "Yeah. We have to get the keys to Ganon's Tower," he said, his voice low and tired.

"Something's...bothering you, right?" A moment of silence which Zelda took tongue in cheek as a yes. "Well, I won't press you. We both have our work cut out for us in the coming days," the princess said. "Link...I'm glad that you're letting me travel with you. I know it's not easy for you, having to protect me...but thank you."

Link didn't say anything for a moment and Zelda thought that perhaps he had fallen asleep. As she turned to leave the garden, she heard his voice quietly say, "You don't need to thank me Princess. I would do anything for you."

Zelda smiled, taking delight from what he said. "Get some sleep Hero. Good night," she said as she finally left the garden.

Link looked at the moon one last time, and then closed his eyes. He was, in truth, far more comfortable in the tree than in his bed. Sleep eventually found the Hero...but so too did the dreams.
Yay! Foreshadowing! I LIKE foreshadowing:D Link turns EVIL and kills everyone. Swiit.....:) But then again, I predict MORE plot twists, saying he'll be good again, but that's just a guess...
Nice job, I believe that this does display your best writing so far in the series. Keep it up.
Well, I'm having trouble deciding which temple is next, what boss controls it, and what kind of item Link recieves. Suggestions please! ^_^
How about the Earth Temple, the Magnet Gloves (a high-tech alternitive to the hookshot mayhaps?) and that boss... that wears the mask... that you use the hammer on... yhea.
How about:

Sand Temple - Rocs Boots (Lets you defy gravity for short period of time and walk on sand without sinking) - Skelleangle (A giant, angel-like skeleton)

Ghost Temple - Soul Arrows (Poes Soul shaped into an Arrow) - Collosal Poe

Darkness Temple - Darkness Mask ( Lets you see through and negate Darkness (like hawkeye, but better)) and the Evilsbane Knife (You had him dualweild the Great-Fairy Sword, use it with Master Sword) - Re-lord (Giant Re-dead).

Hope I helped and didn't say pointless stuff.
Okay, have to say this. Earth and Wind Temples are the choices, I just can't decide on the order. I'll give some of these ideas thought, and I like the idea of the Evilsbane Knife.
Is the master sword not good enough? I say the wind temple, and if he doesn't have it yet, the gale boomerang, and another weapon too, and a boss where he needs both new weapons to defeat...a dark blade? The helix blade? Ideas...
I'll give some of these ideas thought, and I like the idea of the Evilsbane Knife.
Sweet. I'm helping!

Anyway, Wind Temple has historically came after Earth Temple (Arbiters Ground is Sand, but can be considered Earth) and before ToT, so I say that Wind Temple should come after Earth. Its your choice though.
Is the master sword not good enough? I say the wind temple, and if he doesn't have it yet, the gale boomerang, and another weapon too, and a boss where he needs both new weapons to defeat...a dark blade? The helix blade? Ideas...

He doesn't need a gale boomerang. He recieved the Magical Boomerang in the Fire Temple, and it has a cutting edge to it. As for the idea of the Evilsbane Knife, I may end up giving it to Zelda. And a dark blade, while interesting, doesn't really fit in yet. And the helix blade is an Oni-Link weapon only.

Okay, I think I have what I need for the Earth Temple, as an idea for a boss there occured to me. I may give Link another sword at some point, but I doubt it for the time being. Right now, while I like the idea of the Evilsbane Knife, it will likely become a secondary weapon for Zelda.