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Search results

  1. L

    RPG Maker XP help

    I got RPG Maker XP the other day (YEAH!!!), but i can't figure out how to make a character move to a different map. can someone help me??? (if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to ,move it, didn't know where else it would go)
  2. L

    Favorate game design programs

    What are your favorite video game design program that you have used? I've used Game Maker 5 and 7 and Sphere, Game Maker 7 being my favorite.
  3. L


    I just found out that I'll most likely be moving over the summer and the school i'm probably going to go to has spanish, french, german, and... JAPANESE!!!!! YEA!!!!!! I'M SO EXITED... but it's $40 a semester, BUT WHO CARES!!!!
  4. L

    Wii Locations

    does anyone know where i can buy a Wii at? everywhere i look is sold out, heck EBGames said they were out of them after being open for 20min!
  5. L


    I'm THINKING about writing a story about SOMETHING Zelda related. Does anyone have any ideas???
  6. L

    zelda sages

    was this site made using html, frontpage or some other way? i am trying to teach myself html, and i was just wondering how this site was made
  7. L

    More Space

    I think there needs to be more space for putting in your Fav. games and about your self, i know it would take up more space, but it would be kinda worth it.
  8. L

    I need help :(

    I want to buy something new, but i don't know what to get. here's what i'm thinking of getting: Nintendo Wii, Laptop, or Gamecube If you have any suggestions, i welcome those too.