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Search results

  1. N

    Question Why can't I download The Legend of Zelda Sages

    Still can't download it I restarted browser and tried but I can't change my firefox version and it don't work in internet explorer either.
  2. N

    Question Why can't I download The Legend of Zelda Sages

    When I try to download it using the download link it says redirect loop and it won't download it. Help please.
  3. N

    The Zelda Sages RPG *A REAL RPG game too!*

    yeah but this been going since 2007 so its like is it going to happen yet or is it going to be another year:confused:
  4. N

    The Zelda Sages RPG *A REAL RPG game too!*

    when does it come out because i wanna play that game