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The Zelda Sages RPG *A REAL RPG game too!*

To UltimaLink007:
I was actually pondering doing that, but then said "nah" :D. I have something a bit more interesting in the game ending for him. You can also probably take a guess where those first three photos are from; actually...you probably won't be able to guess where the heck they are from...that part of the same is a little freaky...

To Targelion:
...no :)
Certainly, just tell me to do so in your response to the mass E-Mail I've sent. I'm saving all responses in an Outlook task folder and checking them each off one by one as I complete characters; just makes my life much easier :).
I wanna say something that is very long, but the gist of which is completely obvious, so the person just wastes time talking to me.
I wanna say something that is very long, but the gist of which is completely obvious, so the person just wastes time talking to me.
Certainly, just tell me to do so in your response to the mass E-Mail I've sent. I'm saving all responses in an Outlook task folder and checking them each off one by one as I complete characters; just makes my life much easier :).
i.e. E-mail Bob if you want to be in it.
when does it come out because i wanna play that game
Whenever Bob finishes everything big up, and whenever the beta testers have found *hopefully* all of the bugs, prgramming errors, spelling mistakes, etc. ;)
i.e. E-mail Bob if you want to be in it.

Whenever Bob finishes everything big up, and whenever the beta testers have found *hopefully* all of the bugs, prgramming errors, spelling mistakes, etc. ;)

yeah but this been going since 2007 so its like is it going to happen yet or is it going to be another year:confused:
yeah but this been going since 2007 so its like is it going to happen yet or is it going to be another year:confused:
As long as it takes, but since it's extremely close to completion, it shouldn't be too long at all, I'm certain it would be released in 2008. But ultimately, Bob decides when to release it.

There is something called patience that is required with things like this. There are time constraints in people's lives, I'm sure Bob doesn't have the time to work on it as much as he would like to, thus why it is now a 2008 planned release. I'd like to think so anyway, I'm not the one MAKING the game, just testing it. ;)
All very true :).

As I've stated in the E-Mail, the core game is complete. So, if I were to release it now, you would be able to play through from beginning to end and get a good deal of story and humor along with it. However, there are bugs to be found, spelling mistakes to be corrected, and an odd side-quest to be added. That, and all the member NPCs of course :D.

I want to make certain that the game is, simply put, good. I've only played one other game created with RPG Maker and that is a fine game by the name of "The Legend of Zelda, the Five Sages". The individual who made the game was very talented, better than me in so many ways :), however the game really lacked much meaning to explore the world once you had completed the game, or deviate from the quest at all *in addition to having a bit of a lackluster ending*. When it's released you should all enjoy it. There's alot of Zelda Sages history in there, and even a few Legend of Zelda characters thrown into the mix just for the hell of it :D.

Let me put it this way to, there's actually one part of the game where one of the beta testers sent me a PM saying:
Bob, that whole part with --------- was so funny I literally peed my pants! IT WAS HILARIOUS!

I am planning for a 2008 release, most defiantly, don't worry about that. The game has really only been in production since the summer of 07 to, less than a year.

If this game turns out good,

And works on my computer,

I will be happy.


If you put me in

Just to depress and piss the hell out of everyone else

And show some egepathy on my part (for those of you who don't know:

egepathy: an emotion composed mainly of apathy, bitterness, sarcasm, hatred, cleverness, and depression)

I will love you.
however the game really lacked much meaning to explore the world once you had completed the game, or deviate from the quest at all
What else besides this new sidequest allows you to do that here? Unless you are adding secret bosses elsewhere... OR MORE QUESTS! :D
You'll just have to wait and see :). It won't be a HUGE deal aside from the extra quest, although there will be some more. By the nature of the way the game world is built up I need to be careful what I put where and what quests show up when, seeing as virtually everywhere is unavailable at the start of the game for example.
yay a new rpg to waste my life on, but all the better if i'm an npc...sign me up bob :D
i could care less if im important, just make me say something cool :p
wow, reminds me of final fantasy on the game boy. if its not too much trouble, i wanna hav a headband and be the leader of a commune
Sure, just send me an E-Mail :).

A bit of an update, I've been unable to really dedicate alot of my time to the game recently. I've been rather busy with AP exams, studying for the SAT, etc. However, I have been able to do a few bits and pieces here and there as well as fixing bugs the beta testers have sent me. Rest assured though everything should be well out by July *unless a catastrophe happens :D*