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  1. mr.cuddles

    Broken Telephone!

    which reminds me of falcon punch
  2. mr.cuddles

    Somewhat Controversial Palin Resigns!

    From what I have been hearing, there are many reasons why she is resigning but here are the three main ones that I heard. She does have a child with downs and it makes sense to stop being a governor and take care of her child. The two other reasons I heard have to do with becoming a higher...
  3. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    Sell Out Reel Big Fish
  4. mr.cuddles

    Broken Telephone!

    which makes me think of cake
  5. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    stupid king and i music....................
  6. mr.cuddles


  7. mr.cuddles

    Somewhat Controversial Obama's First Few Weeks

    Ya, if you have noticed, he is following the failed plans from bush, the economy is gettting worse everyday, and now he is trying to tax small businesses and privately owned bussiness and he is trying to nationalize them along with banks.... he is killing capatalism and he is driving us to...
  8. mr.cuddles

    Picture Wars 2.0

    These cats all get owned by the spy!
  9. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    listening to my AAL teacher talk.....
  10. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    One Three Dog Night
  11. mr.cuddles

    Picture Wars 2.0

    flaming car beats flaming we will rock you...
  12. mr.cuddles

    Picture Wars 2.0

    tell that to the guy who meets this animal.
  13. mr.cuddles

    the new canidate

    i was not sure if i should put this in political or not, its not really political so here it goes! the new presidential candidate!!!!!!!!!! http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=46832&altf=Xfcnbtufs&altl=Cpc
  14. mr.cuddles

    MLB Postseason 2008

    the cubbies are the best team ever! they were amazing in the normal season but when they hit play offs, i was sad because they did terrible. i think that the soxs are going to win it all
  15. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    one way or another by Blondie
  16. mr.cuddles


    dude! aristotle was around when you had to find something about the atmosphere, they used a stick and a rock! ya, he was wrong on a lot of his stuff but that is because it wasnt as informed as galilo and newton was. and ides of march... i have no idea what you just said :confused:
  17. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    the game Motor Head
  18. mr.cuddles


    Hippie, every human as much as they deny is a little greedy and power seeking. its human nature.
  19. mr.cuddles

    Currently listening to?

    The Game Motor Head
  20. mr.cuddles

    Chocolate or Vanilla?

    Who are you kidding? As you can see vanilla is up in the polls. Chocolate is going down!