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Search results

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    The Hobbit

    So, who is excited for The Hobbit movie to come out?
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    Gary Gygax

    For those of you who play Dungeons and Dragons, Gary Gygax, It's original creator, died yesterday. *sniff*
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    Fighter's tech

    Now that we have a Fighter's Tech room in chat, we should have tournaments and have champions. The advisor and narrator can decide and post it every month. To make the game more fun, we should ad more sound effects for the game. like combat, victory, gameover etc.... And everytime we finish...
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    You could have an online shop and sell merchandise for zelda and other games. You can make them or get them somewhere else.
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    Watch This: The Gauntlet Challenge

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1fJQhdppbw it is a video I made with friends playing gauntlet for 12 hours. It was edited by dizoberflote, and it is actually really good.
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    Any of you guys listen to the Finnish band nightwish?
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    Do any of you guys know anything about the original Gauntlet or the sacred orbs?