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  1. S

    Currently listening to?

    Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac
  2. S

    Track banner!!!!!!!!!!!

    Track banner!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. S

    Sherlock Holmes

    So there has been much debate and many mixed reviews about the new Sherlock Holmes Movie. I myself saw it last night and wasn't very impressed... any thoughts?
  4. S

    MS Paint thread (Some Scary Stuff)

    this is just how i see it :P
  5. S

    Currently listening to?

    The Velocoraptor thing has already been done, and look how that turned out. :P I'm listening to typing keys
  6. S

    Currently listening to?

    Stoplight By Sam Hart i think teh new rules are stupid. We're all just saying what we're listening to, and if it's honestly going to become this huge fight, then thats retarded. Theres so many better things we can do then fight about whether or not someone should explain why they're listening...
  7. S

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    n00bs ask intelligent volleyball examples NOOBS
  8. S

    Make a 5-Letter Acronym

    Angry Chinese Heroes Read Observations KABAM!
  9. S

    Florida may issue Jesus license plates

    Am I the only only one who finds it slightly humorous that below the picture of Jesus being crucified, in happy yellow letters it says "Sunshine State"?
  10. S

    Somewhat Controversial Explain your faith

    I am a catholic myself, but i do agree that the image of God has been distorted a bit through organized religion....don;t get me wrong, i go to church on Sundays and am pretty catholic for a teenager, but at times i think that the church goes a bit too far. In my eyes, god is more about love...
  11. S

    Broken Telephone!

    which reminds me of disney
  12. S

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of Pokemon :)
  13. S

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of that dancing banana dude.
  14. S

    Holy froot loops!!!!! We're in iceleand!!!!

    Re: Holy froot loops!!!!! Were in iceleand!!!! WHy are you in iceland?
  15. S

    Currently listening to?

    Her Morning Elegance...byOren Lavie
  16. S

    Wow, Harry Potter...THE MUSICAL!

    This makes me sad :( but it's amusing :D
  17. S

    Broken Telephone!

    which reminds me of yu-gi-oh abridged
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    Broken Telephone!

    Wich reminds me of the series, "a series of unfortunate events"
  19. S

    Death of an Icon

    NOOOOO. if cher dies i will cry :'(
  20. S

    Broken Telephone!

    which reminds me of "friendly's"