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  1. S

    Word Filter

    I think Zeldasages should have a word filter. I mean, yeah everyone here I know really wouldn't curse and such but still. The filter could change profanity, racial slurs and slurs about sexual orientation to just asterisks **** OR: It could change them into something totally different and...
  2. S

    I Memorandum.

    Five Days Ago, At a Place Called KMSR, My Beloved Bright orange hat, drowned in eighteen feet of water. After hours of sailing and paddling around, it was not recovered. This Post stands as a memorial to its memory. Orange Hat- 2002-2007
  3. S

    Review SSX 3 Reveiw

    Yet another strong link in the SSX chain of snowboarding games. This game BLEW ME AWAY!!!!! I played (and loved;) ) SSX Tricky the last title in the series. Back to the game... With a realistic and complex storyline combined with INSANE tricks and flips (boardgrab900*) and gourges graphics this...