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Search results

  1. C

    Look who stopped in to visit!

    Me!!! Ya thats right I bet u dont know who i am
  2. C

    Media Moderator

    Hello all, I have resigned from my job. I was supposed to have my job done by a certain date, my grandpa has just died so I wont get it done. I am resigning.
  3. C

    Review Halo2

    Welcome to Halo2 Review! Halo2 is a RPG about a team of marines and spartans fighting to save planets from the covenant, and also covenant fighting the brutes. This is a great game to play, challanging, fun, suspensiful, fun, fun, and errrrrr, fun :) Halo2 is one of thoes games that at first...
  4. C

    R.I.P Steve Irwin

    If you haven't heard already, Steve Irwin died today on the 4th of September on the Barrier Reef near Cairns. As a sign of respect for the great australian cultural icon, please place a turtle ( tu ) at the start of your MSN name, and forward this message to others on your list, as he worked...
  5. C

    Star Fox games!

    Ive been playing these games for like 3 years now...and all this time I forgot to post about it!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? O well this is my chance, I am a big fan if you cant tell from my sig :P post what you think about Star Fox games here!
  6. C

    Faveroite person in the zelda games.

    Who is your favroite person. In any of the games. Mine is Zelda. Shes hot,lol.