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$600!!! Ps3??


Sage in Training
i dont understand how u can price a game system 600 dollars. I love that the graphics are going to be so great but 600. are u kidding me? I think next year if the price goes down a couple hundred bucks ill get the 20 mb or gb or whatever version but for now go wii!
Dats why I not be gettin one of thise puppies for now. Not until Price drops below, say, $300.

Plus, I like the Wii better.
By the time it drops down, the next version of Playstation would be out... You never know when it could drop down... Besides, since the graphics are 15/10... and the fact that there's no more loading during the game... I could see why it's soo much...
I heard the games will be anywhere from $60-$100, so thats also a factor in waiting, or not getting the machine in the first place.
$100 dollars for a game!?!?! excuse me while i barf.
although the no loading and graphics are very tempting
The main reason for the price is not the graphics, but that Sony will be using more expensive disc that maximizes the capabilities of the game.
I heard that due to the Nintendo Wii price Sony took down the price a few yen in Japan and decided to include HD in the 20g model. No word has surfaced in the US yet on any action by Sony here.


This is kinda like saying "ok...we're scared" IMHO :p

UPDATE: Changed the link to a new article, looks like no changes planned for the US. Sony probably wants to grab Japan.
It's still crappy how they stole the motion sensor idea from Nintendo. Heck, they steal everything from Nintendo. Like the original idea for the Playstation! I don't like buying from filthy theives. That's why I never bought a PS1, PS2, PSP, and don't plan to buy a PS3. They also weren't going to have wireless controllers either, but after Nintendo and Microsoft said they were going to do that, Sony changed their minds.
2. dolar sign goes infront of the number
3.It still looks like an incredble system though. We'll see if this or the wii turns out to be better.
I wouldn't mind the SYSTEM cost as much if it weren't for the price of the games. Some even say the games will be around $100 for one game. That's crazy. I predict only spoiled brats will get this. It will probably go down in flames with no hope of a PS4 or PSP2 (actual names lol).

2 more posts for Octorok!!
Actually... people will probably flock to the store and mayb a few crowd crushs will occure in trying to get this stupuid thing.. many games will be made for it and people who love series will be forced to get it.