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Burnable Environments in TP!?

Link Æwondåslåmon said:
It's really going to be the dream game for any pyromans!:D

yep you mean ppl like me I think i would have fun burning my own path through the lost woods
Well, I wouldn't go around and just burn down houses *well...*. However, any game that involves burnable things is a good game in my book. It will be very interesting to see what interesting things can happen to Hyrule Field ;).
skinnyman said:
What is that wrated and what does TP mean

TP means Twilight Princes (kind of a duh). As for the rating, it might be "E for everyone" like other zelda games, but I think I heard TP might get rated as "T for teen"
Guess I can't say I'm totally surprised, what with the pyromania going on here.
He ain't no Pyro... I'm the REAL pyromaniac. I have set things on fire that you would never believe... Some places that weren't ment... You get the idea... And try jumping through AND into fire, then running around, looking for water...
lol. i thought i was crazy and Pyro....untill i read ZG's post. ROCK ON ZELDA GAURDIAN!!!!!! lol.
Just recently, I did a backflip into a pit of fire and jumped into my pool... I didn't know what hurt... The landing of my back into fire or the bellyflop onto the water... ;)
I had to do a report on pyromania in my science class...i found out that most pyromaniacs are frequent bed wetters. lol. sorry. thats just what was on the symptoms list lol.;)
I can tell you that I stopped around age of 1. So far, I haven't picked it back up... However, when you get older, your nerves intend to die out, ya know??