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cant wait for wii multiplayer

I've seen reviews for Red Steel, and it looks like it was really well done,Must buy, after Wii, Call of Duty 3, LoZ: TP, TC: SO, SMG, SSBB, MP: C
I've seen reviews for Red Steel, and it looks like it was really well done,Must buy, after Wii, Call of Duty 3, LoZ: TP, TC: SO, SMG, SSBB, MP: C
what reviews do u look at?
i've read any review I could get my hands on and from what i can see the only good thing about it is the sound. red steel doesnt have online multiplayer though.... the only game that seems to have multiplayer is brawl. I can predict these 3 games to have it though in the future:

  1. wii animal crossing
  2. metroid corruption
  3. did i hear something about a wii mario kart? if so..
A wii mario kart? MUST..........BUY....................WII...............MarioKart!!!......................................A wii would help.....................................