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Dark Link

I'm going to guess, the Dark Link from OoT. Well, I'm here to help, since I'm the guru... ANYWAYS...

First, you notice that he mimics you, in every way... There are lots of different ways to beat him... 1. Using your sword 2. Using the Megaton Hammer against him 3. Using Din's Fire against him...

I found it that you use Din's Fire against him is a good/easy way defeat him, depending on if you have enough magic... Using your Megaton Hammer is the next best bet, if the Fire of Din doesn't work. Granite, he will dodge and move, but he will mess-up and then you attack... Now, using the sword is pretty hard against him, since you can't hit him because he mimics you and jumps on your sword and attacks you...

If these, doesn't work, post here again, and I will tell some others...
As a child, go to the castle. Go the way like you're going to Zelda, but shortly after the main gate go right down a really short path to a boulder. Blow it up with a bomb, and enter. The fairy will give you Din's fire.
I know a better way. Use the spinning sword attack. Thats your best bet.

well as long as you don't lunge at the guy or he'll just hop on and take you out.

Link: "Ok, How do you get past the first gate with the guard when you just walk in?"

there should be either:

A) a ladder to get on the gate
B) a wall of vines near the entrance to the area just before the turn and then you're just supposed to hop down I believe. afterwards keep to the right and you should be fine.

P.S.: Don't take my COMPLETE word for it even though I know some of it is fact because the last time I had touched the game was 2 years ago and I was just borrowing it from a friend of mine for the summer because he was going to be in europe.